end of life doula
Consider this. . . When a loved one is sick, we care for them until they are well. We make soup, wait on them hand and foot, keep them laughing, let them eat as much ice cream as they want. Being present and holding space for your loved one as they die is caring for them, supporting them as they get well, just in a different way.
As an End of Life Doula, I will bridge the spaces between the dying, loved ones and medical professionals. A Death Doula will never take the place of these important relationships, simply support when they are gaps in time, space and communication intentionally infusing kindness, compassion and love in to the space of dying.
Each experience in the space of dying is sacred and unique, as all of our lives have been, not one the same. The space of dying is a sacred and profound teacher that will change you, and those you have loved, those that have loved you and many more, for all of the days ahead. Living the experience authentically allows the moments to be healing and positive, not always easy, but always loving.
As an End of Life Doula, I am listening to you. To be heard is a great comfort. The freedom to say any and all things in the space of dying is essential in honoring ourselves, in beginning the grieving part of our life, here or beyond, to carry us forward by allowing us to feel this moment, for all that it is and is not. When we feel, we are present for ourselves and our loved ones.
Whether you or your loved one is dying the experience is happening to everyone, individually and as a collective. As your End of Life Doula, I will support the many dynamics of relationships and their spaces, past, present and for future. Throughout this dying, there may be moments of many emotions felt personally, and often the consideration and choice is to to put our moment aside, caring for everyone else. With my support as a Death Doula, you can do both, honor your moment loving and honoring the other moments around you.
Consider this, how different would the experience of dying be if you were true to yourself, honest in feeling your moment in loving ways and inspiring the others around to do the same?
Is it possible, some of the fears would be said and released allowing more room for reflection of a life well lived?
Is it possible, that sharing the photos from way back will make everyone cry again but perhaps also laugh or maybe you get to tell the story of that photo a few more times for everyone to hear in your own words?
Is it possible, you would stay connected to yourself by living this dying experience as it comes, honestly, imperfect and raw which may remove future regret of not saying or not feeling that one last time?
Is it possible, that being true to ourselves, in loving ways, would allow our loved one who is dying some comfort by seeing, hearing and feeling the love of honesty so as they go, they know they leave you well? What an amazing gift that might be.
As a Death Doula I will support you in your silence, your emotions, your conversations and wishes. I will compassionately discover and gather your wishes for this moment and the moments to come, and when those wishes change, and the circumstances change, we will change along with them. I will share comforting practices to ease your time for your consideration and inclusion. I will share ** rituals that will begin your loved ones on their journey in grieving. I will listen, above all else to your spoken and unspoken. I will do my best to engage support from the others you have chosen to see your wishes through honoring your life in your dying.
loving support for your dying
Please contact me to discuss your experience. Together we will create a plan specific to you or your loved one. My support will help whether you are in person with your loved ones or your connection is from a far.
Every life is a legacy. Every dying includes love, even if the details make it difficult to see or feel, love is there. As ever.