Mediumship Is Wellness
The communication of Spirit including Mediumship teaches us that physical death does not end love. Mediumship provides the opportunity to show us directly that communication and connection have been present all along, perhaps we just did not know it.
Hearing from our loved ones in these sacred Mediumship opportunities may provide confirmation of those ‘signs’ we have been receiving and trying to talk ourselves out of. Mediumship may provide answers to outstanding questions or regrets teaching us that we are always more unloving to ourselves than anyone that loves us will ever be. Mediumship reconnects us to our truth, our relationship with dying, the direction and purpose for our life and often shares specific healing practices to support our grieving. Mediumship transcends the limitations we set in our human experience, those we have been taught and experienced along our life’s path, to show us directly that Love Matters Most!
The communication of Spirit includes more: Divine guidance to life questions, medical imbalances and connection (or reconnection) to the the living where we lack loving communication as well as those who do not have the ability to communicate physically. Love is Greater than Human Limits.
Each Mediumship Wellness Reading is a unique experience, inspired specifically for those in attendance. The absence of want allows space for the most loving communication to help us grow, to become un-stuck in the present so we experience and create more love, wisdom, healing and often amazing in the days ahead. Because what is best is given, a moment of surrender and trust if needed. I do not guarantee a specific connection or communication topic.
You know what the Rolling Stones said. . . ‘You can’t always get what you want, you get what you need’.
Thank you for saying Yes to you by considering Mediumship in your journey, trusting your Spirit and finding your way to me.
mediumship readings
Individual Mediumship Wellness | 60-minutes | $150
One-Guest. Facilitated remotely: phone or video conferencing. In-Person available in my south New Jersey home.
small group Mediumship*PRIVATE | 60 to 90-minutes | $200+
Two or Three-Guests. Facilitated remotely: phone or video conferencing. In-Person available in my south New Jersey home.
large group Mediumship *PRIVATE | 120-minutes |
Three+ Guests. Facilitated remotely: phone or video conferencing technology. In-Person in Your Home * location approval needed. Please contact me to discuss specifics and pricing.
Beautiful Story of Love through Mediumship.. . . Joann contacted me asking to bring her then 14 year old daughter to a live event. We decided no, Joann came by herself. Following the gallery, Joann requested a private reading her and her daughter Alivia. The day of the appointment, the human me was questioning if I was doing the loving thing, Alivia was young, was I crazy? was her mom crazy for wanting to bring her? Surrender to Spirit. Trust in the Divine and the truth that whatever is most loving for the moment will be shared.
“I first met Shannon in 2019 in a small group reading in her gallery. She connected with my loved one. Shannon continues to bring me healing through tears and laughter through private zoom meetings which are just as great as in person. Shannon has showed me how to take care of “me” and how to make time for “me”. Shannon has been a true blessing to me and my family.
| Joann . Mom |
At first, I had been reluctant to do a reading with Shannon because I thought that there was no way this was real, spoiler alert: I was wrong. Shannon has given me such a different outlook onlife and really has helped me to take note of all the signs around me. She also helped me see that all the “signs” I had been seeing and all the communicating I had been doing with my loved one was completely normal. Now, I’m always eager to connect with Shannon because I know it’s
what I need to hear and it’s never sugarcoated.
| Alivia . Age 16 |”
That day, us three, a few hours, all Love. My heart was full, my eyes were saucers like a cartoon character at times. We all laughed, cried, had our own moments and a shared amazing.
I connected with Alexa, daughter to Joann, sister to Alivia, sharing her messages for mom. The majority of time was for Alexa and Alivia. Confirmation of many conversations already had between sisters, a nudge or two about a boy with blonde hair, gratitude going both ways, many laughs and Dr. Martens. (pure love)
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Alexa Michelle was born September 14, 2002. At 17-months old, Alexa was diagnosed with cancer. August 6, 2004 just shy of her second birthday, Alexa passed away.
Alivia Grace, born December 27, 2005, is a gifted musician and writer, a dope soul that isn’t afraid of anything that I have seen.
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Since the first day, I have been lucky to spend many more days with Joann, Alivia and Alexa, each one a blessing. ‘it is a special story’. there are no limits or boundaries in Spirit. Love is Amazing.