In the Space of Dying
My life has forever changed. As I live this unexpected journey, I continue my relationship with death, the transformative experience of dying, the healing focus in the essential life practice of grieving all to solidify that dying is a sacred space for every person and we can choose how we love in dying.
My name is Shannon Danielle. I am a Spirit Medium also known as a psychic, intuitive, empath and a few other lovely titles, (titles are not really my thing). I am not special, I am the same as you. I hold some other titles such as daughter, sister, mom and friend. As human beings, we each a very unique solo journey. When we are brave, we seek the niches meant just for us ever seeking foundation in love, in ways no other person can experience, replicate or live becoming our wisdom. When we choose courage, knowing our ever changing self, being kind as we are flawed by our own doing and by others and knowing what is the most loving choice for us in each moment, that inspiration, that source of knowing is Spirit. We can *** (uniquely) define and label or not label our Spirit and still the truth remains, Spirit is Love; the core of who you are is love. We all communicate with and from that Divine source I call Spirit, some of us just hear a little louder! As we live, recognizing this shared truth of inspiration or not, another truth unites us all, we will all die leaving this human experience one day, we will all bear witness to another person in their dying. Instead of ignoring or fueling a fear of this undeniable truth about the experience of dying . . .
What if you had a relationship with death? Could that acknowledgment mean more truth in your life? less fear? more room for embracing difficult opportunities? and more than anything, more room for love?
The answer is Yes, to all, as you know to be best for you. To learn about love is to intimately know death. To retell the story of gratitude and with wonder, is to tell the experiences of dying in your life. To be whole is not to master any title or life lesson, but to experience them in truth, feeling each, such is true of dying. Adjustives and descriptions become just words, time is precious, the story of a life is amazing, always amazing, yes every one of us has a legacy. A life well lived is flawed, perfectly cracked and glued back together, accepting compassion for self and others, seeing each as a work in progress. To choose truth takes courage and surrender so we are ready for the expected and rocked by the unexpected. Allowing time as we feel finding our way to remedy and healing, seeking wisdom of others and leaving them better as we go. Through it all, choosing Spirit, after all we are all Divine.
Thank you for spending your time with me. I would be honored to be part of your journey.
As ever.
mediumship is wellness
When we are Connected to those we love aren’t we all a little more Well?
live events
Experience the loving communication of Spirit in a group setting at a Live Event.
After the dying. grief & wellness support
Grief lasts as long as love through healing connections nourishing our story and the stories of those we cherish.
end of life doula
Dying can be a time of reflection, an opportunity for communication and always a space for love.