My Spirit Story


Hi. My name is Shannon Danielle. Welcome to my website and a glimpse into my spirit journey to date. Through the unique experience of losing a dear friend to illness, I was impressed with what seemed like a simple sentiment, ‘I don’t want to miss any more moments in my life’. I was grateful that one moment, on one ordinary day, I listened to my gut and I didn’t talk myself out of contacting a friend. I didn't have a logical explanation for Why I trusted my intuition on that day other than it felt right, and that day changed my life. I connected with a friend who a year later would pass away, I remembered a part of me I had forgotten because I was always "too busy", "had too much work to do" or simply "would do it later". This day was the sentiment, 'I don't want to miss any more moments in my life.'  My paying attention, now means my life includes, self-discovery and reflection, emotions of every kind learning my past, my present and the adventures of days to come, the experience of healing, honest communication, moments of surrender and abundant gratitude. The wisdom gained through this journey of some years includes the universal truth that spirit, love and communication are the foundation of all moments. I have experienced love, wonder and heartache in my journey to grow my spirit. My family, those I love and folks that are strangers to me have known benefit and healing.  As my connection to spirit has grown, so have my eyes to just how limiting our learned ways, intellectual knowledge and wisdom can be if we don't choose differently. Spirit will open your eyes to Amazing! that's a promise.

My spirit journey has opened my world to unlimited possibilities and love. This includes the communication of mediumship, the awareness of medical imbalances, the gift of providing support to those that are transitioning from this world, and the opportunity to provide insight for others on their own spirit journey, to name a few.  

How lucky am I to say I know gratitude every day? ! ? ! I not only know gratitude, gratitude is now reflected back to me. I have transitioned from the feeling of something is happening to me, to WOW, I am so lucky to have the opportunity to choose love in my life. I am excited to learn more about the language of our spirit, the universal truths that connect all of us, the support we can provide to others simply by being present, kind and connected to our spirit.  Spending time with others willing to open their hearts and grow their spirit provides for the most enlightening moments.

Thank you for spending time visiting my site and reading about me. I hope you are encouraged to take the next step and review my appointment opportunities. In each moment moving forward from here, do what is truly best for you by knowing yourself and being guided by your spirit. In doing so, the most loving outcomes will happen for you, for those you love, for those that love you and the much bigger world at large.

As Ever. 

Shannon Danielle